In order to protect your account, when a new and unknown device attempts to login to your account using your account and password, Beseye will immediately send:
1. A Push Notification to the original mobile device that you’ve used for registration.
2. An Authorization Notice to the E-mail that you’ve used for registration.
In order to authorize the new device, you must Enter a 6-digit Authorization Code or Click on the link provided in the Authorization Notice to successfully login and access Beseye services with the new device.
Authorization procedure:
1. Enter the 6-digit authorization code.
※ The following screen will be displayed when there is an authorization code error.
2. If you haven't received an E-mail from after waiting a few minutes, you may select Re-send Authorization Code.
3. Access your E-mail inbox, open the mail with the subject Beseye System Notice and click on the link provided in order to authorize the new device to login and access your camera.
※ Reminder: Both the Authorization Code and Authorization Link provided by Beseye are only effective for 12 hours for added security. The Code and Link will not be usable after this period.
Reference articles:
- What devices can I use to login to my account?
- How do I change my account?
- What Should I Do If I Forgot My Password?
- I Forgot My Password And Clicked On The [Forgot Password] Link. However, I Haven't Received The E-Mail That Allows Me To Reset My Password. What Should I Do?
- How Do I Change My Password?